Time Line with Time Toast

The learning objectives of the activity
Since we are learning about the Royal Family, we decided to create Queen Elizabeth's time line. I wanted my 6th graders to get to know this web and to keep it in mind for other subjects' assignments.

The advantages of using TimeToast for this activityI found a lot of problems, so I guess I will name the disadvantages. I consider my students are too young to use this tool. Also, the Internet connection and the obsolete laptops we have at our school made this activity extremely frustrating for them, so I don't think they will use Time Toast again.

The steps you followed to set up the activity. Any problems and how you and the students solved them
First, I made five groups each one with the assignment of collecting the data required (date of birth, date of marriage, ...) I guessed it would take them a few minutes and then, they could begin to work in the Time Line, but they had a hard time looking for this information in English and they tried to look for it in Spanish and then translating it. Besides, the Internet connection was too slow and it took us one whole session to just get the info.

The students’ reaction – how did they feel about using TimeToast to complete the task? Some things that you would change / improve next time.
It was really frustrating for them and in the next session they were asking me why did they have to do that again, so I decided we would work as a big group using the teacher's PC and the Digital Board instead of the laptops.
I think it was the best decision, because the complains stopped and we were able to begin designing the Time Line all together, deciding which photo, what text to use (using short sentences from Wikipedia, of course, because of their level) and learning to use this tool. Even with the teacher's PC, the photos were "processing" for the whole session and it wasn't until the next day that they showed in the Time Line.
I don't think there will be a next time for us using Time Toast. It may be a helpful and interesting tool for older children, but Primary children don't find it motivating at all.

At least 3 ways that the use of TimeToast helped you achieve your learning objectives
Although it was very tricky for them, we had to sessions of reading, writing and searching the Internet in English, and that is always a good thing for them.

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