I teach at a small school where I am the only "English teacher" for Primary students. I've already designed an activity for my 5th graders and another one for my 6th graders, so now it's only fair to design this one for my 4th graders.
We are actually learning the music instruments and they loved this song I played for them last week, so I decided it would be a fun way for them to show me they've already learnt the spelling of the instruments.

The learning objectives for the session I'm using this activity are for the students to practice their reading skills by choosing the correct word for each of the instruments they can hear and watch at the video. Since they already watched the song once last week, they'll be watching it again one more time and then they'll have to work at home. I'll message them the assignment link via Helvia anda they'll have to click on it, do the activity and them send me a screenshot with the results so I can check they did it.

I think the best part for them is being able to work with their computers at home as an English assignment, because I never set English homework and because the computers at their class are not currently working. I also consider I'll be using this tool to work as a group with the digital board and with the laptops available in the 3rd cycle so they can work in pairs with certain videos we are actually working on.

This is the best tool I've used in this course so far, I really like it.

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