I’ve been a book worm since I was a child. I think that is why I enjoy reading in Spanish, since it’s the language in which I’ve built my love for reading.
My reading habits have changed over the years. When I was a child my mother used to worry about me being reading for hours and now it’s really difficult for me to find the time to stop and enjoy a book, because I’m always in a hurry, but when I do, I read mostly novels or comics in Spanish before I go to sleep. When I do read in English it’s biographies or texts I prefer to read as the author wrote them instead of the translation. I love reading on my e-book because it’s more ecological and it feels great to have thousands of books on my hand, but I also own a lot of “traditional” books, which I like to read sometimes.
I would say I can relate to picture 1 and 2, since I inherited my love for reading from my father and I do own an e-book.

PICTURE 1: They may be reading for pleasure books of their own choice.
PICTURE 2: They may be reading a fairy tale the mother chose for the son.
PICTURE 3: She may be reading her favorite novel just for fun.
PICTURE 4: They may be reading a fiction book their teacher chose for them.
PICTURE 5: He may be reading a mystery novel he was gifted by a friend and now he isn’t able to stop reading it.

1 comentarios:

  1. I agree with you. I read when I have free time!! It is a pleasure to do it and if it is in English language is the best. Indeed , I prefer paper books because I love underline them and it is easier to carry!!



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