For this Final Task I've chosen the EdPuzzle by Esther:

These are sad days we are living away from our loved ones and, of course, away from our students, so I'll just explain theoretically how would we do this task.

Fr this task, I would choose my 6th graders so that we could design an EzPuzzle for the younger ones in 3rd grade.

I own several "This is Britain" DVDs, so I'd begin playing for them the EdPuzzle by Esther and her students. Then, I'd choose the Easter eggs episode off the "This is Britain" series, since we are in march and Easter is so close. I would explain to them this celebration and then I would tell them we would make a brainstorming to choose the questions we would like to make.
Finally, we would work on the digital board together because this tool is fast and easy to work with in just one class.

1 comentarios:

  1. Hello, Rocío. Congratulations on your blog! It's really amazing how much effort you have put into it. It must have been quite challenging, though teaching how to use all these amazing apps with 5th graders. However, the end products are totally worth it! I couldn't have done a better job. I find your Canada presentation truly remarkable. One suggestion for improving your blog is that you change the settings in apps such as EdPuzzle as I’m not allowed to see your content. Amazing work! ��



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