For this project I decided to choose my 5th graders again because it's a really special group of children, I know I can trust them and they love to work hard. Also, because they can use the laptops to work on the activity.

I have to say we kinda decided the topic like a month ago, even before I knew I had to do this activity with them. I get along really well with these students, so this one day I was joking with them and I told them since I couldn’t study French and they do, now they can go visit Canada. They were amazed by the fact that they speak both English and French in Canada and they wanted to know more about the country. Another day I played for them the “Nations of the World” song  by “Animaniacs” and it reminded them about Canada. And finally, last week I told them for the zillionth time not to say “in England” when talking about English speaking people because English is not only spoken in England, but in a lot of countries; that’s when Canada came out again. So that’s when it hit me, we had to work on Canada for our genially project; they instantly agreed.

The first day, I divided them into 7 groups, so that each of them could work on one slide. I played this tutorial video for them   we decided the modality and, after a short brainstorming, each one of the groups chose one topic for their slide. They looked up for information the rest of the class and were assigned as homework to keep on looking up for info and bring it up for the next class (two days after).

The second day, the groups worked on their slide. Some of them brought photos in a pendrive while others just had wrote some information on the notebook. It was a lot of work for them to try to make things work in English, but with some help they made it.

And finally, the last day we gathered all the parts and made the whole project in the digital board.

This is our collaborative genially project about “O, Canada”. I hope you like it and find it useful. I think that, despite of all the hard work they had to do, this helped them to look for the important information in a text and to plan a work in a small group.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi, Rocío!
    I really like your blog! I think you have proposed very interesting activities for your students, you have explained the processes very well and you have been very insightful in your analysis of the results of your own work (which, by the way, are really cool too!). I also think that your attitude towards teaching and towards your own students is amazing, and that is why you have achieved such great results.
    The only thing that I would change in your blog is that some the posts have a different font, which makes it a little weird visually. Otherwise, congratulations, and keep it up!

  2. Good afternoon Rocío,

    I have seen your blog and I have to say that you have done a very good job. The entries you show are really interesting because you explain very well all the activities you realized and they give me a lot of ideas to include in my daily work.

    I cannot say any negative aspect about your blog. The only thing I could say is that you should continue with your work so we can benefit with the activities you propose and the resources you include.



  3. Hi Rocio. This is great, how you've been working with your students and they way you been taking advantage of the gadgets in class. It's really nice the way you interact with them and how you provide learning environment.
    Taking into account the digital resource we are using and the possibilities of homeworking I would try to use it as a collaborative app to work from home. They should be able to share the tool and make an extraordinary presentation as they have don in class.



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